address: Na Drahách 247, 739 25 Sviadnov
Company ID: 069 25 316
Transparent account: 966669/0300 ČSOB
Mudr. Michal Chromec
Member of the Board of Trustees of the ENDOWMENT FUND
long-time chairman of the district waterworks Vak Přerov
co-founder of the project Truth about water
Ing. Radek Novotný
economist and specialist in practices of politicians and groups in the water industry
tel. 774 774 680
co-founder of the Endowment fund TRUTH ABOUT WATER
The long-term chairman of the district waterworks Vak Přerov in the hands of the towns. 3x defended the city's waterworks, against the raids of an organized group of traffickers, acting under a single management post, for private companies.
It is only thanks to this that the city's VAK reinvests the money selected from people for water and sewage until the reconstruction, draws and invests more than half a billion EU subsidies for infrastructure development, while having one of the cheapest water prices in Moravia.
Economist and specialist on practics of Snakes in suits. He revealed the collaboration of "politicians" who unlawfully carried out the monopoly of water and all that generates profits into the hands of the group.
He helped defend many waterworks. Water is in the hands of cities, they draw billions of subsidies, decide on everything, and reinvest people's money. Vak Přerov, Náchod, Pardubice, Kroměříž ... Through the courts and the CCP defends - Kladno, Zlín, Pardubice, H. Králové. The judges gave him the truth.
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